Search Results

There are 185 item(s) tagged with the keyword "putin".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 185

31. Online Inroads

Putin opened a new highway in Yekaterinburg Oblast, remotely.

Tags: politics, technology, putin, transport
32. High Treason in High Places

After charging President Putin with high treason for the invasion of Ukraine, seven lawmakers have been summoned by the police.

Tags: war in ukraine, dissent, law, government, putin
33. It's Nothing Serious... Right?

In a recent meeting, President Vladimir Putin claimed that the invasion into Ukraine wasn't anything "real" or "serious."

Tags: international relations, military, Putin, war in ukraine
34. The Center of Denial

Putin denies Russia shelled a shopping center in Kremenchug, Ukraine, that killed 18 people.

Tags: journalism, war in ukraine, putin
35. A Humiliating Lack of Recognition

"In general, it has been calculated that if the right of nations to self-determination is actually realized throughout the globe, then instead of the 193 states that are now members of the UN, more than 500 or 600 states would emerge on Earth. Of course, it would be chaos. For this reason, we don’t recognize Taiwan, Kosovo, South Ossetia, or Abkhazia. Apparently, this principle will be applied to the quasi-states, which, in our view, Luhansk and Donetsk are."

– President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, at a recent forum with President Putin
Tags: war in ukraine, putin, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan, international relations
36. Down and Dirty Journalism (Or, Poo-tin)

A Russian independent journalist has published an exposé on Putin's "biomaterials."

Tags: security, travel, health, putin
37. Long Range Effects

Putin claims that US-provided weapons to Ukraine have made no impact against the invasion.

Tags: international relations, military, putin, war in ukraine
38. Searching for Nazis

Putin says he invaded Ukraine to root out Nazis. Zelensky compares the defense of Ukraine to the heroism of the 1940s. Can both be right? No. No, they can't.

Tags: nazi germany, Ukraine, putin, war in ukraine, world war ii
39. An Apologetic Putin?

Did Putin apologize for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's outrageous lies?

Tags: putin, judaism, israel, war in ukraine
40. Is Putin Ailing?

As rumors arise about President Putin's health, we take stock.

Tags: putin, kremlin, health

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 185

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