Search Results

There are 31 item(s) tagged with the keyword "political prisoners".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 31

1. Words from Jail: "Optimism Is My Diagnosis"

A trans man was sentenced to 12 years in a women's jail. Despite bullying and threats, he remains resilient.

Tags: dissent, war in ukraine, political prisoners, lgbt, trans men
2. Prison Time for a Charitable Donation

A Rostov-on-Don resident was sentenced to 12 years in prison over a $71 donation. 

Tags: war in ukraine, Rostov-on-Don, political prisoners
3. The Fate of Having the Same Last Name

A woman with the same last name as Alexey Navalny was arrested in Mariupol for "terrorism."

Tags: azovstal, navalny, mariupol, political prisoners, war in ukraine
4. A Record Not Worth Bragging About

2024 set a record for most people listed as "terrorists and extremists."

Tags: anti-terrorist laws, repression, political prisoners, dissent, rosfinmonitoring
5. Another Russian Teenager Sentenced

A 15-year-old with tuberculosis has received a 4.5-year sentence for terrorism.

Tags: law, russia file, dissent, anti-war, political prisoners
6. Hostages of the System

Psychologists in Russian prisons fail to support inmates and staff.

Tags: law, russia file, political prisoners, prison
7. Fabricating a Terrorist

A Ukrainian refugee in Russia received threatening messages from a Telegram account. Then she was arrested for terrorism.

Tags: refugees, political prisoners, samara, donbass, war in ukraine
8. Prison for a $51 Donation

A Russian-American citizen faces 15 years in prison for treason over a donation to a Ukrainian charity two years ago. 

Tags: Yekaterinburg, ukraine war, political prisoners
9. And a Cat For Good Luck: Sasha Skochilenko is Free

Sasha Skochilenko shared details of her life in detention. 

Tags: art, resistance, political prisoners, Sasha Skochilenko
10. "His Body Couldn't Take It"

A Russian political prisoner dies in a pre-trial detention center.

Tags: dissent, anti-war, government, russia file, political prisoners

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 31

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