Search Results

There are 66 item(s) tagged with the keyword "russia file".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 66

1. Hostages of the System

Psychologists in Russian prisons fail to support inmates and staff.

Tags: law, russia file, political prisoners, prison
2. Made in Russia?

According to journalists, Russia has failed in its efforts at import substitution.

Tags: agriculture, industry, government, russia file, economy
3. "His Body Couldn't Take It"

A Russian political prisoner dies in a pre-trial detention center.

Tags: dissent, anti-war, government, russia file, political prisoners
4. A New Russian Culture?

The Russian presidential administration is trying to align culture with the war effort.

Tags: government, russia file, war, culture
5. A Regional Disparity

Authorities spent ten times more money on barrage shelters in Moscow and the Moscow Oblast than in regions bordering Ukraine.

Tags: russia file, regions, war, government
6. Baikal, not Bali

The State Duma has banned Russian deputies and senators from traveling abroad without permission.

Tags: politics, russia file, law, government
7. Schoolchildren in Pro-War Volunteering

Russian teenagers become military volunteers for an idea, and to enter universities.

Tags: russia file, war, education, children
8. A New Record of Complaints

Russians affected by “natural changes” wrote a record number of complaints to the president.

Tags: regions, russia file, government, war, dissent
9. Forced to Go Back to War

Hundreds of Russian soldiers who left their service without permission are being held in military units, beaten, and then forcibly sent back to the front.

Tags: russia file, law, dissent, military, war
10. A Psychiatric Punishment

Individuals involved in political cases are now five times more likely to be sent to psychiatric hospitals for compulsory treatment.

Tags: statistics, russia file, government, political prisoners, dissent

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 66

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