Search Results

There are 327 item(s) tagged with the keyword "war in Ukraine".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 327

11. Nostalgia Takes a Hit

War transforms the image of the Soviet-era apartment building.

Tags: war in ukraine, history, architecture, apartment
12. Resistance is Real

Resistance in Russia is real, if not immediately apparent.

Tags: dissent, war in ukraine, putin
13. Socks

A pensioner decides that woolens are the answer, but can't seem to convince his neighbors.

Tags: war in ukraine, village life
14. Schooling amid Shells

Schools in Belgorod are adapting to teaching near a war zone.

Tags: children, education, war in ukraine
15. The Women with the White Scarves

Family members of drafted soldiers picketed solo in Moscow demanding the return of their loved ones from the war in Ukraine.

Tags: dissent, women, christmas, war in ukraine, Moscow, draft
16. Born in 2005, Killed At The Front

The BBC recorded the name of the first Russian soldier born in 2005 to be killed in Ukraine.

Tags: independent media, education, draft, military, war in ukraine
17. Student Sentenced for Spying

For the first time, Russia has sentenced a student for spying. The 18-year-old was a high-achieving student.

Tags: education, dissent, caucasus, war in ukraine, children, spy
18. Closing Curtains for a Cancelled Show

A theater canceled a show after the playwright was convicted for "spreading fake news about the Russian army."

Tags: war in ukraine, censorship, dissent, theater, Irkutsk
19. An Anti-War Art Awakening

Anonymous artist Zless creates anti-war art that juxtaposes traditional Russian symbols and the horrors of the invasion of Ukraine.

Tags: dissent, art, war in ukraine
20. No Pictures with Lukashenko, Please

The presidents of Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland refused to be photographed with Alexander Lukashenko at the COP28 in Dubai.

Tags: war in ukraine, alexander lukashenko, poland, baltic states, climate change

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 327

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