February 23, 2022

Street Cat to Cat Mayor

Street Cat to Cat Mayor
A photo that makes you want to say "Big yawn!” Pexels, Toni Tan

The Ukranian city Lviv now has two acting mayors: one an elected human official, the other a cat. Levchyk the cat, now living comfortably in the mayor's office, was once a stray cat living on the streets.

Levchyk was rescued out of a tree around City Hall during the fall of 2020. He was named after the Ukranian word "лев," which translates to "lion". The office of Mayor Andriy Sadovyi welcomed the cat with open arms, and even made him TikTok famous. 

Levchyk's TikTok, @lvivcitycat, receives hundreds of thousands of views on its videos. Videos show Levchyk meeting officials in the office such as the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the U.S Ambassador to Ukraine, and a Belgian delegation. At the same time, many videos show Levchyk doing what any normal cat does: playing and sleeping on the mayor's desk. 

The pampered cat also has an Instagram account, @lvivcitycat. His Instagram has collaborated with Lviv's vet clinic, which helps stray animals find "furever" homes. 

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