October 10, 2022

Home for the War

Home for the War
Let's shake on it. Kremlin.ru

The expected number of men set to be drafted for mobilization is 300,000, but despite Chechnya's usual support of anything and everything that Putin does, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has chosen to exempt Chechnya from the recent drafts.

According to Kadyrov, Chechnya has more than fulfilled the number of soldiers they had planned to send to Ukraine: “The republic of Chechnya over-fulfilled its conscription plan by 254%… even before the announcement of a partial mobilization.”

While Kadyrov is exempting Chechnya from the draft, he has encouraged all of Russia's other regions to contribute to the call and “self-mobilize” 85,000 troops. But along with his encouraging remarks to Russia's regions, Kadyrov has also condemned Russia's strategy in Ukraine, claiming that if Russia had used at least a fraction of its resources the war in Ukraine would be over by now.

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