Search Results

There are 98 item(s) tagged with the keyword "economy".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 98

1. Russian Engineer, German Cashier

A woman left Russia for love. The cost: underemployment.

Tags: emigration, russians abroad, economy, labor, Germany, immigration
2. Power for Abkhazia

Russian-occupied Abkhazia faces an energy crisis that Russia seems reluctant to solve.

Tags: politics, economy, investment, energy, abkhazia
3. Where Are All the Planes?

Russia has built just seven passenger planes out of a planned 108 in two years.

Tags: transportation, russia file, industry, sanction, economy
4. Ghost of Economy Future

Russian analysts give their forecasts for what the economy might look like in early 2025.

Tags: statistics, economy
5. Herring Without a Fur Coat?

A beloved culinary staple is getting more costly. 

Tags: food, economy, mayonnaise, New Year
6. Data Leaks Reach Record High in Russia

Personal data of about 90% of adult Russians is now publicly available due to data leaks.

Tags: law, statistics, technology, economy
7. You Call That Inflation?

Russians are enduring huge inflation – just how much, however, is unclear...

Tags: economy, war, inflation
8. Where Are All the Workers?

Russian companies are experiencing a shortage of foreign workers.

Tags: immigration, russia file, international relations, social issues, economy
9. More Money for Penal Colonies

Russian authorities have sharply increased the budget for the Federal Penitentiary Service, despite previous plans to cut it.

Tags: economy, regions, russia file, prison, government
10. Made in Russia?

According to journalists, Russia has failed in its efforts at import substitution.

Tags: agriculture, industry, government, russia file, economy

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 98

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