November 01, 2020 Goa and Greenhouses A well-to-do Russian tries to bring his green new ideal to life in a Russian village. Not all goes to plan. Agriculture Rural Life
May 01, 2020 Buy a Goat It mows and fertilizes. What could possibly go wrong? Agriculture Animals Rural Life
March 25, 2020 Some Things to Enjoy with Your Stacks of Toilet Paper In this week's Odder News: post-Soviet leaders propose innovative treatments for coronavirus, phone chargers go bad, and Russian buyers have an opening in the European real estate market. Agriculture Food & Drink Health Holidays Military Rural Life Odder News
February 24, 2020 Oh, Deer. Sakhalin Island deputies introduce legislation to revive a shrinking livestock trade: reindeer herding. Agriculture Animals Politics Russia File
November 28, 2019 Dumbledovich and the Chamber of Bovine Distractions Russia is a little out of touch with reality this week: gates lead to nowhere, cows get VR, and bankers think the economy is like Harry Potter. Agriculture Economy Regions The Weekly Russia File Russia File
September 06, 2019 Planting the Fourteenth Century Russian scientists have restored the steppe of Kulikovo – just as it was when the country's seminal battle was fought in 1380. Agriculture Environment History War Russia File
September 01, 2019 Into the Breach Vladimir left the big city to set up a farm in rural Lipetsk Oblast. And he doesn’t regret it one bit. Agriculture Business Regions
July 01, 2019 Hogweed instead of Birches The Caucasus had a fast-growing plant that the Soviets wanted to plant up north to use for animal feed. What could possibly go wrong? Agriculture Environment Geography
March 01, 2019 A Soviet Fox for Post-Soviet Man An uptick in fox domestications leads us to consider a landmark experiment in Novosibirsk that upended assumptions about evolution. Agriculture Science Social Issues
January 30, 2019 The American housewives who sought freedom in Soviet Russia In the summer of 1922, Ruth Epperson Kennell, a children’s librarian, left New York City for the far reaches of Siberia. She travelled with her husband Frank and 132 other ‘pioneers' who were eager to establishing industrial and agricultural communes to aid the ‘new Russia’. Agriculture History Women Russia File
November 01, 2014 The Great Wrong Turn A look back at the proclamation of Collectivization, in November 1929, leading essentially to the reinstatement of serfdom in Russia. Agriculture
July 01, 2013 The Russian Bees Will Save Us American bees are dying from mysterious causes, putting our agriculture at risk for lack of pollinators. Russian bees might be part of a solution. Agriculture Environment Science