Search Results

There are 114 item(s) tagged with the keyword "law".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 114

1. Fleeting Freedom

A Ural journalist was released from jail, only to be re-arrested.

Tags: Yekaterinburg, journalism, law
2. Fines for Navalny Nods

More than 150 Russians have been fined or arrested for using symbols associated with Alexei Navalny.

Tags: law, navalny, dissent
3. Hell Behind Bars for a Teenager

A 14-year-old Russian girl accused of terrorism spent almost a year in a pretrial detention center, where she was beaten and subjected to sexual violence.

Tags: prison, children, law, russia file
4. Making a List

The Ministry of Internal Affairs may be creating a database of LGBT persons to make future prosecutions easier.

Tags: law, dissent, lgbt
5. A Shortened Flight, a Shortened Sentence

A Russian air defense officer will serve almost three years in a penal colony for a friendly fire incident.

Tags: military, law, ukraine war
6. Orthodox Church Rising

The power of the ROC is growing in the government, according to independent publication Verstka.

Tags: russian orthodoxy, law, government, religion
7. Belarus Bans Emigrant Connections

The Belarusian government has listed a handful of Telegram chats used by Belarusian emigrants living in Warsaw as "extremist materials."

Tags: law, political repression, belarus
8. Farewell to Arms?

Why are so many soldiers going AWOL?

Tags: law, russia file, dissent, war, military
9. Pyrates Beware!

Russian internet users are switching to legal means for streaming media — a consequence of the war in Ukraine.

Tags: censorship, law, internet
10. Welcome to the Vault

Russia is beginning the serial production of mobile nuclear shelters.

Tags: business, russia file, law, nuclear arms

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 114

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