Search Results

There are 47 item(s) tagged with the keyword "social issues".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 47

11. Brothers by Blood, if Nothing Else

The Independent journal People of Baikal profiled the Batrakov brothers: one who's stateside, the other on the front lines of Ukraine.

Tags: war in ukraine, orphans, social issues
12. Teach Not Fear, But Self-Esteem

A trans woman from St. Petersburg was forced to pull her child from school because of her gender. 

Tags: trans women, politics, education, social issues, lgbt
13. The Registration Lady Can't be Stopped

Despite fines and threats, a Kaluga activist continues to help migrants access benefits in Russia.

Tags: censorship, war in ukraine, draft, social issues, migrants, immigration
14. Children with Child

From pressuring teens to abort to denying requested abortions, orphanages in Russia often mishandle pregnancy cases. 

Tags: social issues, pregnancy, teenagers, adoption, orphans, orphanage
15. He Was Sentenced to 17 Years. Now He Is Free.

Vladimir Putin pardons a convicted killer involved in the Russian war in Ukraine.

Tags: social issues, military, russia file, government, law, war
16. Ecocide, Russia's Latest Weapon of War

Ukraine's Kakhovka Dam exploded, killing at least 13 people and thousands of animals and causing irreparable damage.

Tags: politics, social issues, war in ukraine, kakhovka dam, environment
17. Welcome To Modern Slavery

Russia placed eighth in a global ranking of modern slavery.

Tags: workers, russia file, social issues, statistics
18. Russia To Ban Gender Reassignment?

A bill was introduced to the State Duma that would ban gender-affirming surgery and gender changes in official documents.

Tags: health, duma, social issues, human rights, lgbt
19. While Supplies Last

Prices for Moscow real estate, usually a hot market, are down a record 35 percent.

Tags: business, economy, real estate, social issues
20. Rising Boats?

In a November 30 speech, President Vladimir Putin said the next big challenge for his government will be raising the economic well-being of Russians.

Tags: social issues, economy, putin

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 47

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