Search Results

There are 26 item(s) tagged with the keyword "espionage".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 26

1. One Flower For Every Month In Prison

Kevin Lik, an outstanding high schooler from Adygea, was convicted of espionage. His mother tells his story.

Tags: children, political prisoners, education, emigration, espionage
2. Espionage Convictions Soar

The rate of convictions for treason in Russia has more than doubled in the past two years.

Tags: crime, treason, espionage
3. A Year in the Life of Evan Gershkovich

A year after his arrest, American journalist Evan Gershkovich is no closer to trial, or freedom. 

Tags: law, dissent, espionage, journalism
4. "Bandit Greetings" to the Oppositionist

In Lithuania, an unidentified assailant attacked Alexei Navalny's ally with a hammer.

Tags: russia file, espionage, international relations, politics, dissent
5. Putin's Agents in Sheep's Clothing

Russian intelligence officers reportedly masquerade as human rights activists and filmmakers.

Tags: civil rights, russia file, russian government, espionage
6. Do Not Talk to Foreigners

The Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education is collecting personal data of students and teachers who have been in contact with foreigners.

Tags: government, russia file, espionage, education
7. From Saboteurs to Bureaucrats

Russian saboteurs who organized explosions in Europe have reportedly transitioned into official roles within Russian regions.

Tags: regions, russia file, government, espionage
8. Espionage on Ice

Poland has arrested a Russian hockey player for espionage.

Tags: poland, espionage, spy
9. iPhones Banned

Members of the government have been forbidden from bringing iPhones to cabinet meetings.

Tags: espionage, apple, iphone
10. Thank You For Your Service

Russian hypersonic rocket scientists have been accused of treason.

Tags: government, russia file, espionage, science

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 26

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