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Words are not Sparrows
September 01, 2020

Words are not Sparrows

A look at avian idioms and phrases you will find useful in helping your Russian take flight. (Meanwhile, brush up on your bird names here.)

The Year of the Crown
July 01, 2020

The Year of the Crown

As the коронавирусная пандемия (the coronavirus pandemic) still affects just about every aspect of our lives, it has, of course, been changing the way we speak.

The Throat-Singing American
April 29, 2020

The Throat-Singing American

“People here usually say to me: you are different than we thought and from the way American people are shown on TV. And I am happy.” 

– Sean Quirk, an American who has been living in Tuva, Siberia for almost 20 years, and knowns the Tuvan language better than Russian

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
