September 01, 2020 Words are not Sparrows A look at avian idioms and phrases you will find useful in helping your Russian take flight. (Meanwhile, brush up on your bird names here.) Language
July 06, 2020 Russian Grammar Strikes Again Russian grammar is tough, even for the Russians that make official constitutional-referendum ballots. Government Language Politics Russia File
July 01, 2020 The Year of the Crown As the коронавирусная пандемия (the coronavirus pandemic) still affects just about every aspect of our lives, it has, of course, been changing the way we speak. Health Language CVSG
July 01, 2020 A Cold Soup to Beet Summer A beet-based cold soup to spice up your summer soirees... Food & Drink Language
July 01, 2020 "Пусть всегда будет солнце!" In this issue's language learning section, we let a little sunshine in... Language
June 23, 2020 Even Russians Make Typos School certificates in the city of Tolyatti were declared void due to spelling errors. Cities & Towns Education Language Russia File
May 01, 2020 We Will Survive! This issue's language column looks at famous war movies. Film & TV Language
May 01, 2020 Opening the Floodgates No matter what Russia does, it can’t seem to dam up the flood of Anglicisms. Humor Language
April 29, 2020 The Throat-Singing American “People here usually say to me: you are different than we thought and from the way American people are shown on TV. And I am happy.” – Sean Quirk, an American who has been living in Tuva, Siberia for almost 20 years, and knowns the Tuvan language better than Russian Culture Language Regions Quote
March 02, 2020 Petrov Goes Back to School Guard duty sends an old villager back to school, and down a broad and dusty lane full of memories. Education History Language
March 01, 2020 Whatever it is, we're against it If you believe the papers, Russia is in the grips of протестное настроение, which literally means a mood for protest, but which might be better translated as “loaded for bear.” Government Language Politics