September 03, 2021 Grace, Poise, and Firepower Belarus opens Russia's eight annual tank biathlon with tutus and Swan Lake. Culture Military Music War Russia File
September 01, 2021 News Notes Pressure on independent journalism, champagne importers, and some Olympics and architectural news. Architecture Culture Journalism Politics
September 01, 2021 From Germany with Love In which our language insert looks at Russian words with German roots. Culture Int'l Relations Language
September 01, 2021 A Crumble for All Seasons A crumble cake in Russia is something like banana bread in the US – the varieties are endless, and every avid baker has her “grandmother’s recipe” in their repertoire. Culture Food & Drink
August 31, 2021 Russia Tire-d of Folk Art At the beginning of July, the Russian government re-tire-d a form of folk art dear to many: the lawn tire. Art Culture Customs Regions Russia File
August 25, 2021 Throw in the Mayor with the Banya Water “Today, the city bath house needs support because, due to last year's lengthy six-month shutdown associated with the coronavirus, the banya cannot pull itself out of debt." – Mikhail Valov, Mayor of Sayanogorsk, inviting citizens to save his city’s municipal bathhouse from the economic ravages of the Coronavirus on August 23. Cities & Towns Culture Government Health Quote
August 23, 2021 Biscuithead Sweet-Talks on Safety In Russia, mascots only get better. Imagine a child cracking a smile not JUST for a man bungling in a hot costume, but for a role model who looks like a beloved teatime treat… Culture Food & Drink Government Health Russia File
August 22, 2021 Four Russian Treasures in North America Remnants of the Imperial Russian past are all over Alaska – and California, too. Architecture Culture History Russians Abroad Travel Russia File
August 21, 2021 Recovering from Covid? Bring on the Russian Ballad A little levity can be good for the Covid blues, and expert Khadizhat Omarova of Russia’s Rospotrebnadzor has given a variety of advice to accelerate recovery. Why not give your lungs a good stretch and practice your folk song, too? Culture Health Music Russia File
August 11, 2021 Hell's Builders “There is not a single builder in Paradise.” – Stanislav Lisichenko, Russian restaurateur, providing an anecdote for Russia’s “Builder’s Day," August 8. Architecture Culture Holidays Quote
August 08, 2021 The Water is Fine: Water Sports in Russia Russia isn't known for being a warm-water country, but during the summer months there are more than enough accessible rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans within and around the country to have a little fun. Culture Sports Travel
August 04, 2021 Are You Ready for Some... Football? Look out NFL – the Russian Super Bowl was held in the Moscow region last weekend. Cities & Towns Culture Int'l Relations Sports Russia File