January 12, 2020

Stampede for Sales and Sweets

Stampede for Sales and Sweets
Watch out for the crowd! James Cridland via Flickr

A supermarket in Kazan was recently swarmed by a stampeding crowd. It formed in response to a sale connected with the store’s closing. Social media reported that people actually began to break in, and there was even a fight over low-priced bananas. The store’s shelves were empty, and those who did manage to find something to buy had to wait in long lines at the registers, witnesses reported via social media.

It was something like a flashback to the Soviet era of lines and empty store shelves.

And yet this isn’t the only stampede in the past few weeks. At the end of December, a stampede of children formed at a theater in Ulan Ude. An actor dressed as Ded Moroz was handing out candy before being practically trampled by children. One witness recommended adding a zombie-apocalypse soundtrack to the video.

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