October 18, 2023

NATO and Ukraine Grow Closer

NATO and Ukraine Grow Closer
NATO's flag. Wikimedia Commons.

During a gathering of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, a NATO spokesperson revealed the alliance's intent to establish a Joint Analysis, Training, and Education Center (JTAC) in collaboration with Ukraine, as reported by Novaya Gazeta Europe.

This initiative will allow the exchange of battlefield data between Ukraine and NATO allies, enabling the alliance to analyze and incorporate this information in their training methodologies. Additionally, the center will serve as a vital hub for training Ukrainian troops and crafting innovative policies and tactics.

The NATO spokesperson explained that the center's activities will not be directed at the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. Instead, NATO views the center as a strategic, long-term commitment to bolster both Ukraine's security and the collective security of the alliance. The overarching vision for the center is to glean valuable insights from Russia's engagement in the Ukrainian war, which can then inform NATO and Ukraine's approach to any future conflicts they might confront.

It is anticipated that the center won't become fully operational until late 2024. The formal agreement for its establishment is expected to be approved by the defense ministers of NATO member countries in February 2024.

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