Search Results

There are 51 item(s) tagged with the keyword "statistics".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 51

1. Three Years, 95,000 Dead

Three years after the start of Russia's War on Ukraine, more than 95,000 Russian troops have died.

Tags: statistics, soldiers, ukraine, war
2. Russians Unaffected by War

Verstka uncovered a survey that showed Russians are both exhausted and accustomed to the war in Ukraine.

Tags: propaganda, dissent, politics, statistics, war in ukraine
3. Global Warming Changing Russian Winters

Researchers report Russia's winters are changing due to global warming.

Tags: regions, environment, statistics, russia file
4. Ghost of Economy Future

Russian analysts give their forecasts for what the economy might look like in early 2025.

Tags: statistics, economy
5. Fewer Russians Willing to Join the Front

As losses mount, the influx of new contract soldiers into the Russian army has sharply decreased.

Tags: russia file, statistics, war, military
6. New Year, New Hopes

Russians share their desires for 2025.

Tags: poll, statistics, New Year
7. Data Leaks Reach Record High in Russia

Personal data of about 90% of adult Russians is now publicly available due to data leaks.

Tags: law, statistics, technology, economy
8. Another Consequence of the War?

For the first time in 11 years, Russia's disability rate has risen.

Tags: war, russia file, regions, social issues, statistics
9. Russian Roads Become More Treacherous

The number of accidents in Russia has increased, with roads becoming more congested and cars less safe.

Tags: russia file, cars, sanctions, statistics
10. Population Problems

According to a UN report, Russian population numbers may have already passed their peak. 

Tags: statistics, United Nations, population

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 51

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