Search Results

There are 192 item(s) tagged with the keyword "putin".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 192

1. Putin's Culture Guru, Now Head of Writer's Union

Vladimir Medinsky, a writer in Putin's inner circle, is now the head of the Union of Russian Writers.

Tags: putin, culture, writers
2. The Politics of the Class of 2025

A student reflects on politics and Russia's future as high school graduation nears.

Tags: putin, dissent, politics, war in ukraine, teenagers, lgbt
3. An Old Tape Comes Back to Haunt

Meduza resurfaced a 2004 tape in which President Vladimir Putin recognized Kyiv's sovereignty.

Tags: politics, television, war in ukraine, ukraine, putin
4. Putin Still Popular

Breaking News: A state-funded study finds Putin's public support is still high.

Tags: statistics, study, putin
5. Putinites for Putin

The village of Putino always turns out to vote for Putin. But now even this town has started to call for an end to war.

Tags: politics, election, village life, putin
6. Is "Putin's Architect" Back?

The Italian architect behind "Putin's Palace," brought to light by Alexey Navalny, is resuming business ties with Russia.

Tags: oligarchs, banking, putin, business, navalny, putin's palace
7. Russia Readies for More War

Russian president Vladimir Putin says that the armed forces need to shore up in case of some explosive international developments.

Tags: military, navy, putin, international relations
8. Just Two Buddies, Hanging Out

Putin's recent trip to North Korea signifies a continued, but not surprising, turn from the West.

Tags: international relations, putin, north korea
9. Snowing on Your Parade

A few things were notably absent (and present) from this year's Victory Day parade.

Tags: putin, Victory Day, military
10. Vlad the Long-Lived?

"God forbid that the end of the century means the end of your stay in power," said Patriarch Kirill during Putin's May 7 inauguration.

Tags: presidency, kirill, stalin, putin

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 192

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