Search Results

There are 186 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Putin".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 186

1. Russia Readies for More War

Russian president Vladimir Putin says that the armed forces need to shore up in case of some explosive international developments.

Tags: military, navy, putin, international relations
2. Just Two Buddies, Hanging Out

Putin's recent trip to North Korea signifies a continued, but not surprising, turn from the West.

Tags: international relations, putin, north korea
3. Snowing on Your Parade

A few things were notably absent (and present) from this year's Victory Day parade.

Tags: putin, Victory Day, military
4. Vlad the Long-Lived?

"God forbid that the end of the century means the end of your stay in power," said Patriarch Kirill during Putin's May 7 inauguration.

Tags: presidency, kirill, stalin, putin
5. Russian Prosperity is Good News for Putin

A ranking of Russian regions by prosperity could reveal why Putin's support remains high.

Tags: putin, statistics, economy
6. Two Years

Putin has gotten nothing he wanted from his War on Ukraine.

Tags: war in ukraine, ukraine, putin, russian history
7. Resistance is Real

Resistance in Russia is real, if not immediately apparent.

Tags: dissent, war in ukraine, putin
8. Good v. Evil

A few thoughts at year-end.

Tags: Zelensky, Putin, evil
9. An Unexpected Expected Announcement

President Putin announced he would seek a fifth term in office in a way that surprised some.

Tags: politics, hero of Russia, donbass, putin, elections
10. Putin's Palace Saved from Wildfire

A wildfire outside the resort town of Gelendzhik, home to Putin's infamous seaside getaway, has been extinguished by Russia's emergency services.

Tags: disaster, fire, Black Sea, gelendzhik, putin

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 186

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