Search Results

There are 61 item(s) tagged with the keyword "international relations".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 61

41. A New Leader in Russia's Tech Market

After the exit of Western companies from the Russian market, Chinese tech companies are gaining ground.

Tags: international relations, economy, china, war in ukraine, cell phone, technology
42. International Sports for Peace

35 countries are calling for stricter international sports sanctions on Belarus and Russia.

Tags: belarus, sanctions, international relations, sports, war in ukraine, Ukraine
43. A Humiliating Lack of Recognition

"In general, it has been calculated that if the right of nations to self-determination is actually realized throughout the globe, then instead of the 193 states that are now members of the UN, more than 500 or 600 states would emerge on Earth. Of course, it would be chaos. For this reason, we don’t recognize Taiwan, Kosovo, South Ossetia, or Abkhazia. Apparently, this principle will be applied to the quasi-states, which, in our view, Luhansk and Donetsk are."

– President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, at a recent forum with President Putin
Tags: war in ukraine, putin, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan, international relations
44. Long Range Effects

Putin claims that US-provided weapons to Ukraine have made no impact against the invasion.

Tags: international relations, military, putin, war in ukraine
45. Forced Integration through Passportization

A presidential decree aims to integrate the inhabitants of conquered Ukrainian regions through a streamlined passport process.

Tags: passport, russian military, international relations, vladimir putin, war in ukraine, Ukraine
46. Bully Diplomat

“My country is being bombarded, tens of thousands of people are dying in the bloody war of conquest that Russia has unleashed. If I make demands out loud, I can achieve more for Ukraine than writing diplomatic cables that often go unanswered. This is a matter of life and death, and every day matters."

–  Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk
Tags: international relations, diplomacy, germany, war in ukraine
47. A Hard Talk to Have

“Direct, open, and hard.”

– Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer describing his talk with Putin
Tags: international relations, Karl Nehammer, austria, putin, war in ukraine
48. Is This the Plan?

Putin says things are going according to plan in Ukraine. What if he's right?

Tags: international relations, military, putin, war in ukraine
49. No War Please

Russian tennis player Andrey Rublev writes a "no war please" message on a camera after a match. 

Tags: sports, international relations, conflict, vladimir putin, Ukraine, war
50. Punk Rock, Folklore, and Putin

In which we unpack what Putin had to say about Ukraine while in France and what it's got to do with a punk band and a folk ditty.

Tags: Ukraine, international relations, france, vladimir putin

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 61

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