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There are 17 item(s) tagged with the keyword "gulag".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 17

1. Artists in Custody

Russia currently has 42 "cultural" figures who are political prisoners and another 176 on their way to becoming the same.

Tags: political prisoners, gulag, prison, artists, actors, dissent
2. Gulag Archipelago Turns 50

Fifty years ago today, The Gulag Archipelago was published.

Tags: solzhenitsyn, gulag
3. Standing the Test of Time

A conservative State Duma deputy called for the removal of The Gulag Archipelago from the Russian school curriculum.

Tags: gulag, russian literature, soviet history, school, solzhenitsyn
4. Twenty Years in a Siberian Gulag

Excerpt from a newly published memoir, an autobiographical account of an engineer swept up into Stalin's Gulag.

Tags: purges, gulag
5. New GULAG?

Russian authorities have found a new way to boost the country’s sluggish economic growth while also solving the shortage of construction workers: prison labor.

Tags: BAM, siberia, gulag, prison
6. Five Russian Words You May Be Misusing

The good news is that if you don't already speak Russian, you probably already know a few words in the language! The bad news is that you've also probably been using these words wrong.

Tags: kasha, bliny, gulag, babushka, english, translation, russian language, language, blog
7. Another Victim of Sandarmokh

There are so many things wrong in the case of historian Yuri Dmitriev, it is hard to know where to start.

Tags: dissidents, gulag
8. Magadan

On July 14, 2019, Magadan will celebrate the 80th anniversary of its founding. Alas, this date, like so much else in the city’s history, is a lie.

Tags: kolyma, terror, camps, gulag, Magadan
9. At Zima Junction, 1943

A poem from the new volume Alcestis of the Underworld, by a regular translator of works published by Russian Life Books.

Tags: poetry, literature, siberia, gulag
10. The Shah Bird

An excerpt from the fine new novel Zuleikha, by Guzel Yakhina, about a woman's survival in Siberia exile, inspired by childhood memories of the author's grandmother.

Tags: exile, siberia, camps, soviet era, gulag

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 17

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