Search Results

There are 51 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Soviet Union".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 51

31. Did Stakhanov Act Alone?

Alexei Stakhanov mined 102 tons of coal in under 6 hours, sparking the Stakhanovite movement. But did he really do it all by himself, by his own initiative? The son of a miner from Blagoveshchensk recalls evidence of unnamed assistants and fishy bureaucratic orders.

Tags: soviet union, stalin, stakhanov, stakhanovite
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
32. Caught in the Crossfire: The Annexation of Estonia

After just 22 years of independence, in 1940 Estonia was overrun by Soviet troops. The Estonian Socialist Republic was set up in the wake of th Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, in violation of nearly all existing legislation. And Stalinism's evils had the Estonians, just a year later, greeting German invaders with open arms. But trading one totalitarian dictator for another didn't solve the problem.

Tags: estonia, soviet union, nazi germany
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
33. I'm Vysotsky: The Legend of Russian Songwriting

Everyone in the Soviet Union knew his songs, despite constant censorship and troubles with the Soviet regime. To this day, any Russian will recognize his raspy singing voice and silly falsetto. But what was the great Vladimir Vysotsky like in person?

Tags: music, soviet union, vladimir vysotsky, bards
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
34. Dizzy with "Success": The Horrors of Collectivization

Collectivization in the Soviet Union was a time of hunger, suffering, and massive death tolls – even as the papers proclaimed phenomenal success. One former peasant's memoirs give us a window on that terrible time.

Tags: soviet union, collectivization, stalin, dekulakization
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
35. Trotsky on Trotskyites

How can you be accused of wanting to restore the bourgeoisie when all you've said is that the current policy isn't anti-bourgeoisie enough? Leon Trotsky responds to the nonsense dominating Soviet courtrooms in the 1930's.

Tags: trotsky, kamenev, zinovyev, stalin, show trials, soviet union, russia
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
36. The Winter War: More than a Prelude

The Soviet war with Finland in 1939-1940 tends to get overshadowed by its notable neighbor, World War II. But in fact, the Winter War was a disaster all its own.

Tags: winter war, soviet union, finland
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
37. The Mystery of the Kirov Assassination

The assassination of Sergei Kirov on December 1, 1934, set off one of the bloodiest periods in Russian history. Was it a conspiracy involving the highest ranks of leadership? Or was it all planned and carried out by one "lone gunman"? We may never know.

Tags: stalin, kirov, soviet union, ussr
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
38. 1980 Olympics: Songs and Cartoons

With the Winter Olympics set to kick off in Sochi tomorrow, we take a look back at the rich cultural legacy of the last Games Russia hosted.

Tags: russia, soviet union, 1980, olympics, music, cartoons
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
39. The Many Homelands of Sergei Parajanov

Start with an Armenian base, drop in some Tbilisi, some Moscow, some Kiev, stir in amazing cinematography and strong political convictions, season with a Siberian labor camp – and voila! You're getting close to the legendary filmmaker Sergei Parajanov.

Tags: film, ussr, soviet union, sergei parajanov, traditions, cinema, dissidence
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
40. U.S.-Soviet Grain Trade: 5 Stages of Grief

As the United States struggled with the trauma of seeing a fellow state succumb to Communism, a pattern of familiar stages started to emerge in - of all places - its agricultural exports.

Tags: united states, soviet union, trade, imports, international relations
By Eugenia Sokolskaya

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 51

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