May 01, 2019 The Life and Death of the Thick Journal There was a time when literary journals ruled Russian intellectual life. That time has passed. Culture History Literature
May 01, 2019 Prison, Ford, and A Great Director Other assorted items from around the Russian world. Economy Film & TV Government
May 01, 2019 The May Holidays In early May, everyone is feeling exhausted after a long, vitamin-deprived winter: schoolchildren are dragging themselves to the June 1 school-year finish line, and their parents are just starting to recover from the cold, dark winter. That’s when the holidays hit. Customs History Holidays
May 01, 2019 Congress of People's Deputies Convenes In the spring of 1989, elections were held: “alternative elections.” This redundant phrase, which today provokes smirks, back then had everyone in a state of euphoria. We had a choice! Government History Politics
May 01, 2019 The Genitive Case, or "If you have no aunt" In which we use one of the most beloved songs from a classic film to make some points about genitive case. Get singing! Customs Language Music
May 01, 2019 Pushkin is a Meme In which an artist tries to get out of a job illustrating a brochure and ends up getting sucked into a Pushkin meme vortex. Art Humor Literature
May 01, 2019 Lake Koyashskoye On the eastern tip of Crimea is a mysterious, salty lake. We take you there. Geography Regions Travel
May 01, 2019 Pushkin Was Here (Perhaps) “Pushkin is our everything,” Russians like to say. And sometimes it seems like he was everywhere. Cities & Towns History Literature
May 01, 2019 Russians on the Border Nestled up against the US border with Canada there is an unusually high concentration of Russian- Americans. This requires some investigation... History Russians Abroad Social Issues
May 01, 2019 The Shah Bird An excerpt from the fine new novel Zuleikha, by Guzel Yakhina, about a woman's survival in Siberia exile, inspired by childhood memories of the author's grandmother. History Literature Memoir
May 01, 2019 The New Ideological Fetish "A classical authoritarian power... does not pay that much attention to what the population thinks, and when it does, this attention is usually limited to a bunch of platitudes loudly proclaimed as the official ideology..." Economy Government Politics
May 01, 2019 At Zima Junction, 1943 A poem from the new volume Alcestis of the Underworld, by a regular translator of works published by Russian Life Books. History Literature