February 17, 2017 Our Next Big Thing We are excited to announce our next big project: Time Travel! And we'll document it with a book and a movie! Film & TV Photography Products Russian Life Magazine Russia File
December 02, 2016 Peter Aleshkovsky: 2016 Russian Booker Laureate We were excited to learn that one of our authors, Peter Aleshkovsky, was awarded the 2016 Russian Booker Prize, arguably Russia's most prestigous literary prize. Literature News Products Russia File
September 25, 2014 Cookbook Contest So, one thing about publishing is that not all the books come out perfect. So, rather than toss a few "seconds" in the recycle bin, we decided to hold a contest. Winners got free, slightly irregular books. We had fun reading the responses. Food & Drink Products Russia File
November 21, 2012 Translator Update #3: Making Sausage If even gently pressed, I will readily admit to belonging to the Just Do It school of translation. I have never been big on translation theory, not least from fear of suffering the fate of the centipede who, on being asked how he managed to walk with so many legs, promptly fell over. Products
November 06, 2012 Translator Update #2: Tightrope Walking If even gently pressed, I will readily admit to belonging to the Just Do It school of translation. I have never been big on translation theory, not least from fear of suffering the fate of the centipede who, on being asked how he managed to walk with so many legs, promptly fell over. Products
September 04, 2012 Translator Update #1: Getting to know Nanidat The first of a series of updates from Liv Bliss, translator of the Silk Road Trilogy, as she updates readers on her progress on the translation of Dmitry Chen’s Pet Hawk of the House of Abbas. Products