November 01, 2014 Idols and Anniversaries The Wall and Iron Felix may be gone, but one important thing never happened, which explains plenty about modern Russian politics.
November 01, 2017 The Wallenberg Secret The disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg remains just that. But need it be?
January 01, 1998 Russia's Political Tool December 20, 1997 is the 80th anniversary of the KGB. We look back at the sordid history of this nefarious institution.
January 01, 2017 History Through the Eyes of Three Monuments In which we look at the history of Russia through the eyes of three very different monuments in the capital: Pushkin, Dzerzhinsky & Vorovsky.
January 01, 2008 Confessions of an Illegal He lived secretly in the West under deep cover, working in offices, at dry cleaners, as a trade representative. He gathered intelligence deemed critical to the Soviet state. Now, he's talking to us.
November 01, 2006 Spetsluzhb Goes to the Movies The FSB (heir to the KGB) has been influencing Russia’s recent film releases. Propaganda is new again.
March 01, 2010 Memories of Perestroika Malcolm Gilbert, a longtime observer of things Russian and Soviet who has been leading academic trips to Russia for over three decades, casts his gaze back to consider the changes perestroika wrought...
Steppe / Степь (bilingual) This is the work that made Chekhov, launching his career as a writer and playwright of national and international renown. Retranslated and updated, this new bilingual edition is a super way to improve your Russian.
Kashtanka – A Bilingual Reader A bilingual presentation of one of the great classics of Russian literature.
Bears in the Caviar Bears in the Caviar is a hilarious and insightful memoir by a diplomat who was “present at the creation” of US-Soviet relations. Charles Thayer headed off to Russia in 1933, calculating that if he could just learn Russian and be on the spot when the US and USSR established relations, he could make himself indispensable and start a career in the foreign service. Remarkably, he pulled it of.
The Frogs Who Begged for a Tsar (bilingual) The fables of Ivan Krylov are rich fonts of Russian cultural wisdom and experience – reading and understanding them is vital to grasping the Russian worldview. This new edition of 62 of Krylov’s tales presents them side-by-side in English and Russian. The wonderfully lyrical translations by Lydia Razran Stone are accompanied by original, whimsical color illustrations by Katya Korobkina.
Turgenev Bilingual A sampling of Ivan Turgenev's masterful short stories, plays, novellas and novels. Bilingual, with English and accented Russian texts running side by side on adjoining pages.
At the Circus (bilingual) This wonderful novella by Alexander Kuprin tells the story of the wrestler Arbuzov and his battle against a renowned American wrestler. Rich in detail and characterization, At the Circus brims with excitement and life. You can smell the sawdust in the big top, see the vivid and colorful characters, sense the tension build as Arbuzov readies to face off against the American.
Chekhov Bilingual Some of Chekhov's most beloved stories, with English and accented Russian on facing pages throughout.
Resilience: Life Stories of Centenarians Born in the Year of Revolution Call it resilience, grit, or just perseverance – it takes a special sort of person to have survived the last 100 years of Russian and Soviet history.
Survival Russian Survival Russian is an intensely practical guide to conversational, colloquial and culture-rich Russian. It uses humor, current events and thematically-driven essays to deepen readers’ understanding of Russian language and culture. This enlarged Second Edition of Survival Russian includes over 90 essays and illuminates over 2000 invaluable Russian phrases and words.
Red Star Tales: A Century of Russian and Soviet Science Fiction For over 100 years, most of the science fiction produced by the world’s largest country has been beyond the reach of Western readers. This new collection changes that, bringing a large body of influential works into the English orbit.
Russian Rules From the shores of the White Sea to Moscow and the Northern Caucasus, Russian Rules is a high-speed thriller based on actual events, terrifying possibilities, and some really stupid decisions.
The Samovar Murders The murder of a poet is always more than a murder. When a famous writer is brutally stabbed on the campus of Moscow’s Lumumba University, the son of a recently deposed African president confesses, and the case assumes political implications that no one wants any part of.