Search Results

There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "women's rights".

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

1. Women's Rights in Wartime

Women's rights activists face increased pressure and reduced domestic violence resources in Russia.

Tags: dissent, government, war, women's rights, russia file
2. The Patriarch's Abortion Prevention

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill will send letters to pregnant women in 16 regions to dissuade them from receiving abortion care.

Tags: russian orthodoxy, women's rights, religion, regions, patriarch, abortion
3. Fighting for the Matriarchy, in Name

Women discuss their decisions to adopt a "matronymic," honoring their mothers, rather than the traditional Russian patronymic.

Tags: women's rights, names, feminism
4. A Woman's Choice, or a Vicious Practice?

Russia's Minister of Health advocates teaching children to prioritize childbirth before a career.

Tags: health, women's rights, childbirth, education

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

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