Search Results

There are 86 item(s) tagged with the keyword "animals".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 86

1. The Pigeons Are Coming Too

Anya, a Russian influencer, took her more than 10 pets, including multiple pigeons, from Russia to Montenegro.

Tags: emigration, air travel, pigeons, Montenegro, russians abroad, animals
2. No Fog for This Hedgehog

A Krasnoyarsk Zoo hedgehog has predicted an early spring.

Tags: weather, zoo, animals
3. Paws & Laws

State Duma takes the leash on stray animals.

Tags: activism, animals, state duma, legislation, pets
4. Never Abandon Your Own

When circumstances force you to leave the country, what do you do with your beloved pets?

Tags: pets, war, animals
5. Puppy Love

On International Homeless Animals Day, Moscow citizens attended a festival to encourage the adoption of pets from city shelters.

Tags: cats, dogs, adoption, Moscow, animals
6. An Attack on Sea Life

Over 600 dolphins died and washed up on the coast of the Black Sea bordering Russia and Ukraine. 

Tags: environment, dolphins, war in ukraine, Ukraine, animals
7. Ukraine's Best Friend

Patron, a Jack Russell Terrier in Chernihiv, is fighting against the Russian invasion in his own way.

Tags: animals, war in ukraine, Ukraine, dog
8. Ukrainian Animals, Suffering

In the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many animals in zoos and shelters have suffered immensely.

Tags: tigers, zoo, animals, Ukraine, vladimir putin, war in ukraine
9. Street Cat to Cat Mayor

The Ukrainian city of Lviv now has an acting cat mayor in office. 

Tags: TikTok, mayor, government, Ukraine, animals, cat
10. Cute Cats, a Lost Dog, and Insect Exes

In this week's Odder News: kitty subscriptions, sketchy sledding, and spiteful Valentines.

Tags: zoo, Internet, help, olympics, valentine's day, animals

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 86

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