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There are 35 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Crimea".

Displaying: 31 - 35 of 35

31. Crimea Crisis Solved?

In a surprising move that has shocked international pundits, Secretary of State John Kerry today announced he has arranged the de-annexation of Crimea by Russia. 

Tags: crimea, kerry, international relations
By April F. Yulez
32. This Just in From Ukraine...

Today is the 401st anniversary of the crowning of the first Romanov Tsar, Mikhail, in 1613, and the end of the "Time of Troubles." This of course has nothing to do with current events. Just thought I'd mention it in passing. 

Tags: Crimea, Putin, united states, cold war
By Paul E. Richardson
33. In Defense

Our definition of a Russophile is not someone who blindly embraces all things Russian as superior, but someone who is innately fascinated by Russia because it is different, because it is interesting, because it is important.

Tags: Russia, journalism, Crimea, Olympics
By Paul E. Richardson
34. 7 Ways Not to Protest the Occupation of Crimea

Russia’s occupation cum annexation of Crimea is a tragedy no matter how you slice the salami tactics. One just wants to protest, boycott, DO something. But what? Well, like President Obama and the EU, we’re coming up a bit short on the list of feasible and effective sanctions. But here are a few things we recommend NOT doing.

    Tags: Ukraine, Crimea
    By Paul E. Richardson
    35. Kremlin Words Versus Deeds, A Gaping Chasm?

    Russia's occupation of Crimea, part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine, is wrong. It is wrong under international law, it is in violation of several treaties Russia has with Ukraine and the West, and it is even wrong according to Russia's own foreign policy "principles." So why did it happen?

    Tags: Ukraine, Putin, Crimea, Russia, foreign policy
    By Paul E. Richardson

    Displaying: 31 - 35 of 35

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