There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "vodka".
Displaying: 11 - 20 of 21
Curious about vodka stats? Russia's Research Center for the Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets has you covered.
What would you rather visit: a cathedral or a distillery?
A wrap up of the news and news-like items from in and around Russia.
Fall starts on a harmonious note, Putin’s meeting with the Saudis — not so much. Also, happy birthday to vodka!
As Russia celebrates men on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, it encourages them to have more sex, for the sake of growing the population of the Fatherland. Just not at work.
Think you know your vodka? Take this True/False quiz (just 12 items) about Russians and their vodka and see if you are right about that...
Let's go to Nizhny Novgorod to hear a Russian rendition of the song of the year. And then, lets meet some puppies and a vodka thief.
In 1865, vodka joined bears and matryoshkas as an eternal symbol of Russia. Here's how it happened, plus nine trivia tidbits on Russia's most beloved, harmful, and historical libation.
Vodka gets its fair share of PR as far as Russia is concerned. But is it always for the right reasons? October 24 marks the birth of Venedikt Erofeev, at least as well known for his drinking and vagrancy as for his writing.
Culled from a listing of 20 things you can do with vodka you may have never considered (and may or may not want to try).
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