Search Results

There are 25 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Tolstoy".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 25

1. Two Tolstoy

Two new books by our reviewer you will want to add to your bookshelves.

Tags: tolstoy
2. Lessons Unlearned from Russian Literature

A primary school literature teacher was forced to resign after using Russian classics to teach students about war. 

Tags: censorship, literature, Irkutsk, tolstoy, dostoevsky
3. The Student

How a woman from Kiev became a symbol of emancipation for her generation.

Tags: kiev, women, literature, tolstoy, st. petersburg, women
4. Fyodor in Florence

Florence, Italy, is joining in on the Dostoyevsky anniversary fun.

Tags: russian literature, tolstoy, statue, ambassador, italy, florence, dostoyevsky
5. Christopher Plummer's Last Station

In memory of actor Christopher Plummer, who died last week at age 91, we look back at his role as a dying Leo Tolstoy in the 2009 film, The Last Station.

Tags: in memoriam, Yasnaya Polyana, the last station, christopher plummer, tolstoy
6. How Leo Tolstoy Shaped the Modern Melodrama

On the 110th anniversary of Lev Tolstoy's death, we look back at his link to cinema: Tolstoy is more closely linked to the history of the cinema than any other writer of his time.

Tags: cinema, literature, film, tolstoy
7. Creating Anna Karenina

When Tolstoy started Anna Karenina, he was forty-four. He guessed that he would finish the novel, conceived as only a novella, in two weeks. Anna Karenina took him more than four years.

Tags: russian literature, literature, women, tolstoy
8. Books to Read During the Great Pause

We asked our editors, advisors, and frequent contributors to share a Russian literary work they felt was particularly apt to read during The Great Pause.

Tags: literature, pushkin, tolstoy, akhmatova, gogol, literature
9. Writers in Isolation

Russian literature is rich with experiences of isolation. We check in with a few famous writers of the past.

Tags: Ulitskaya, Yesenin, Tsvetaeva, Tolstoy, Chekhov
10. Coronavirus Coping: Russian Lit has the Answers

Russian literature has an answer for everything. In the times of coronovirus, this is your guide.

Tags: Solzhenitsyn, bunin, chekhov, dostoevsky, tolstoy, literature

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 25

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