December 04, 2016 Abstraction Turns 150: A Vasily Kandinsky Art Gallery Vasily Kandinsky was a renowned abstract artist whose shapes and colors revolutionized twentieth-century modernist art. Here are 11 of his paintings in honor of his 150th. Art Culture History Russia File
October 14, 2016 Five Wild Facts about St. Basil's Cathedral On October 14, 1991, St. Basil’s Cathedral was reopened after six decades. Here are five fun facts in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Cathedral’s rebirth. Culture History Religion Russia File
October 12, 2016 Fall, Tolstoy, Mushrooms In honor of fall, and Russians' favorite autumnal pastime – mushroom picking – we offer these two short stories by Lev Tolstoy – in both English and Russian! Culture Humor Literature Russia File
September 29, 2016 The Babi Yar Tragedy, Remembered in Poetry On September 29-30, 1941, Nazi troops shot over 33,000 Jews at the edge of the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev. Yevgeny Yevtushenko's poem memorializing the tragedy ensures it will never be forgotten. Culture History Literature War Russia File
September 25, 2016 Listen and Learn: Shostakovich Turns 110 Dmitry Shostakovich created classical music that spoke to modern times. Read up on his life story and listen along to some of finest works along the way. Culture History Music Russia File
September 07, 2016 No Calendar, No Life Why are calendars so great? Give me a few minutes, and I will blow your mind. Culture History Humor Russia File
August 03, 2016 5 Pearls of Wisdom from Fazil Iskander Fazil Iskander, a missile in the world of Soviet literature, passed away on July 31. Here are five of his pearls of wisdom on humor, science, politics, Stalin, and the Russian soul. Culture Literature Russia File
July 25, 2016 Vasnetsov, Painter and Planet: An Art Gallery July 25 is the 155th birthday of Apollinary Vasnetsov, who is both a renowned painter of medieval Russia and a fixture in the night sky. Art Culture History Russia File
July 08, 2016 Fevronia's Day On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, a holiday aimed at promoting traditional family values, more commonly known as Fevronia's Day. What's it all about? Culture History Holidays Religion Russia File
June 16, 2016 Rudolf Nureyev's Great Leap to Freedom Ballet great Rudolf Nureyev leapt out of Soviet jurisdiction and into the wider world of Western ballet on June 16, 1961. His leap was as much a political move as a dance move. Art Culture History Politics Russia File
June 06, 2016 Quotable Pushkin for Six Everyday Occasions In honor of Alexander Pushkin's 217th birthday, here's a small sample of his poems to show that his writing isn't just pretty and witty – it can help you through almost any situation. Culture Language Literature Russia File
April 20, 2016 Piter's Five Must-Stroll Streets (that are not Nevsky) After you finish strolling St. Petersburg's Nevsky Prospect, you'll want to visit these five must-stroll streets in the Northern Palmyra, to get a feel for the rest of the city. Art Culture Literature Travel Russia File