May 26, 2020 Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me Quarantine is hard on the mind, soul, and waistline. Economy Health Internet Social Issues Russia File
May 25, 2020 "Self-Isolation Hymn" One of Russia’s beloved comedians wrote a song about quarantine, and performed it in an unusual manner. Culture Pop Culture
May 24, 2020 A True Crocodile This wonderful short animated film about a crocodile is our video of the week. Animals Art Children Film & TV Video of the Week Russia File
May 23, 2020 Do Bears Attack in the Woods? Probably they do, but now they’re also attacking in a city. Animals Cities & Towns Russia File
May 22, 2020 To the Moon! Russia's space agency says it's ready to partner with NASA to go to the moon. Int'l Relations Science Space Russia File
May 21, 2020 Soccer, Victory Day, and Virtual Culture This week: soccer games return, cultural events go online, and an 11-year-old girl makes us all look like pansies. Children Culture Food & Drink Government Health Holidays Military Science Theater Odder News
May 20, 2020 What Will Russians Want Next on TV? “I think that, first of all, viewers will want to watch something easy. Comedy, melodramas about love, and, of course, blockbusters, but they won’t start to be released right away, because the pandemic should not only end for us, but all over the world.” – Kirill Razlogov, president of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics of the Russian Federation Film & TV News Quote
May 20, 2020 A Historic Drinking Development A new report finds that, for the first time, Russians are drinking more coffee than tea. Economy Food & Drink Russia File
May 19, 2020 Phishing within the Pandemic Scammers are trying to take advantage of the current coronavirus situation. Internet News
May 19, 2020 Piter's People – Maxim Kosmin Maxim is a blogger and photographer who helps everyone to see the charm of St. Petersburg historic apartments. Architecture St. Petersburg Urban Life Piter's People Russia File
May 18, 2020 "Victory Day" Sung from Balconies Despite a quarantine, Russians still managed to join together to celebrate Victory Day (from their balconies). Holidays Military War Russia File
May 17, 2020 Tetris: The Perfect Video Game? A deep dive into the history and philosophy behind Tetris, and the reasons why it has managed to stay relevant for so long and will probably still be in the future. Business Internet Video of the Week Russia File