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Everything is Connected
October 15, 2022

Everything is Connected

We are all daily shaken and unsettled by the fire hose of bad news from Russia and Ukraine, and we all would love “something good, loving, and light from Russia to counterbalance the darkness, the senseless brutality, and the horrors perpetrated by Russian hands in Ukraine.”

International without the Amnesty
August 10, 2022

International without the Amnesty

“[This report] does not mean that Amnesty International holds Ukrainian forces responsible for violations committed by Russian forces, or that the Ukrainian military is not taking adequate precautions in other parts of the country. We must be very clear: nothing of the actions of the Ukrainian military, which we have documented, in any way justify Russia's violations.” 

                                   –  From a report released by Amnesty International
Rain Reenters the Forecast
July 20, 2022

Rain Reenters the Forecast

Today, more than ever, the citizens of Russia should have access to independent information. And therefore it is especially important for us to return to the air. We, like tens of millions of Russians, want the war to end, and Russia to return to the path of development from catastrophe and destruction.

– Editor-in-chief Tikhon Dzyadko of Dozhd TV
The Horror
July 15, 2022

The Horror

We are resuming publication of Russian Life, aiming to once again tell stories about Russia that are not being told elsewhere, but now with a new sense of purpose.

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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Russian Life
73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
