January 05, 2020 Okunevo: Place of Power The Siberian village of Okunevo is a "place of power." For literally hundreds of years, people have visited here, convinced that the lake has healing power, among other things. Customs Religion Travel Russia File
September 01, 2019 The Mysteries and Labyrinths of Altai Known as “Russia’s Tibet,” the Altai region is vast, unpeopled, and brimming with energy centers. Regions Religion Travel
August 29, 2019 Summer Fun for All Faiths and All Ages Presidents eating ice cream, kids reporting toy theft to police… summer is almost over, thank Allah. Humor News Religion The Weekly Russia File Russia File
August 08, 2019 Missing Lakes, Concert Mistakes, and Séances with Darwin Lakes vanish, free food appears, and a priest speaks to the dead. Environment Food & Drink Religion The Weekly Russia File Russia File
July 12, 2019 A Good Time to Visit Pskov Sleepy Pskov has everything a historic Russian town ever needed: a winding river, a kremlin, and whitewashed churches – all of which have finally received global recognition from UNESCO. Architecture History Regions Religion Russia File
July 01, 2019 Filaret Rises The exceptional life story of the father of the first Romanov tsar, the reluctant Patriarch, Filaret. History Religion
May 01, 2019 St. Isaac's 4.0 Today, now that the huge dome of St. Isaac’s towers over the center of the city, not far from the granite embankment, the sumptuous Senate and Synod Building, and the iconic Bronze Horseman statue, it is hard to imagine that in its first incarnation this church was much smaller and located on the Admiralty Meadow. History Religion St. Petersburg
April 09, 2019 Estimate, Pray, Light Both science and religion shed (northern) light on the Aurora Borealis. Environment Regions Religion Science Russia File
March 03, 2019 Painting Maslenitsa In which we look at how Russian painters have been inspired by Maslenitsa. Art Holidays Religion Russia File
February 03, 2019 Christ in the Dungeon This fascinating wooden sculpture exhibition is running in St. Petersburg through mid-Febuary. For those who cannot visit, we offer a photo feature and notes from the curator. Art Religion St. Petersburg Russia File
January 01, 2019 Baptism of the Christ Russia has its own way of marking Twelfth Night (Ephiphany). But as a Christian holiday it misses the mark. Customs Religion
December 13, 2018 Sex, Drugs, and Rockin' Rectors This week is all about the places where Russians and new cultural phenomena meet, for better and for worse. Religion Social Issues Russia File