February 05, 2021

Not a Snowball's Chance

Not a Snowball's Chance
They think the snowman doth protest too much. Balazs Benjamin, pexels.com

One wouldn’t expect it to be an issue for a snowman to be left out in the cold, but in the village of Zachachye in Arkhangelskaya Oblast, four such fellows were found wanting for warmth.

Following the January 23rd protests decrying the maltreatment of Alexei Navalny, activist Yelena Kalinina rallied for a small gathering of her own. She packed four distinguished frosties into the yard of her Zachachye home, each brandishing a different slogan: “Down with the Tsar,” “Vova [Vladimir], it’s over between us,” “It’s our country!” and “Peace to the cottages, and war to the palaces."

The following day, police came to Kalinina’s village to throw cold water on the affair. They snatched the pickets of Kalinina’s friends, and then took her away for questioning, though she reported to RFE/RL’s Russian Service that she accrued no fines.

Kalinina’s release came as cold comfort; while they escaped destruction, the snowmen were too chilled by the events to comment.


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