May 21, 2023

Greenpeace Declared "Undesirable"

Greenpeace Declared "Undesirable"
Greenpeace action in Russia. greenpeaceru, Instagram

On May 19, the Russian General Procurator announced on Telegram that the environmental network Greenpeace International was declared an "undesirable organization," entirely banning its activities in the country. This decision comes after a history of friction between the Russian government and the Canadian-founded climate organization.

For 30 years, Greenpeace has worked in Russia on waste separation, protecting reserves and national parks like Lake Baikal, and fighting the wildfires in Siberia, among other actions and campaigns. But their fight against oil and gas extraction set off alarms in the Russian government. The country heavily relies on income from fossil fuels, as it is one of the world's top three petroleum producers. In 2013, 30 Greenpeace International activists in the "Artic Sunrise" ship, its crew, and journalists were arrested at gunpoint after campaigners attempted to scale Gazprom's Prirazlomonoe off-shore drilling platform.

After the war in Ukraine broke out, Greenpeace International preached "Peace, not oil." The organization has denounced EU imports of Russian oil, claiming it fueled President Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine. After being banned, Greenpeace said, "This misguided decision effectively indicates that it is 'undesirable' to protect nature in Russia."


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