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There are 13 item(s) tagged with the keyword "political repression".

Displaying: 11 - 13 of 13

11. Homophobia Codified

The Russian state is preparing to pass new laws banning "gay propaganda" after a recent book led to public outrage.

Tags: book, culture, political repression, lgbt
12. Kremlin Cancels Culture

A working group of the Russian State Duma has compiled a list of cultural figures who have denounced the war in Ukraine. They can either "repent" or quit their jobs.

Tags: culture, political repression, dissent, politics, war in ukraine
13. Stars and Purges

Eighty years ago, the Kremlin towers acquired their first stars, gleaming with gold and diamonds. But meticulously collected records show that on those same days, people were being arrested and sentenced across the country. On this Day of Memory for Victims of Political Repression, we recall a few of their names.

Tags: political repression, stalinism, stalin, kremlin, purges, gulag
By Eugenia Sokolskaya

Displaying: 11 - 13 of 13

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