Search Results

There are 8 item(s) tagged with the keyword "emigration".

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8

1. Russian Engineer, German Cashier

A woman left Russia for love. The cost: underemployment.

Tags: emigration, russians abroad, economy, labor, Germany, immigration
2. One Flower For Every Month In Prison

Kevin Lik, an outstanding high schooler from Adygea, was convicted of espionage. His mother tells his story.

Tags: children, political prisoners, education, emigration, espionage
3. The Pigeons Are Coming Too

Anya, a Russian influencer, took her more than 10 pets, including multiple pigeons, from Russia to Montenegro.

Tags: emigration, air travel, pigeons, Montenegro, russians abroad, animals
4. Komar and Melamid

A new exhibit in New Jersey plumbs the ability of humor and art to fracture a totaliitarian society.

Tags: dissent, emigration, sotsart, art
5. Hard Facts from Russia's War in Ukraine

A round-up of some stark facts about Russia's War on Ukraine, and how it is changing the face of Russia.

Tags: emigration, casualties, military, ukraine, war, facts
6. Why They Stayed

In the wake of Russia’s launching of its Ukraine War, an estimated 150,000+ young Russians have fled the country. We talked to a few who have stayed.

Tags: emigration, family, youth
7. Khodasevich and Vodolazkin

Two recently published works of fiction that we liked and wanted to share with you.

Tags: history, emigration, memoir, literature, khodasevich
8. Ivan Ilyin

President Vladimir Putin has elevated the philosopher Ivan Ilyin by referring to his ideas in speeches and even making works by Ilyin required reading. We delve into his murky past.

Tags: revolution, whites, emigration

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8

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