Search Results

There are 81 item(s) tagged with the keyword "coronavirus".

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 81

51. Soccer, Victory Day, and Virtual Culture

This week: soccer games return, cultural events go online, and an 11-year-old girl makes us all look like pansies.

Tags: sports, culture, health, Victory Day, alcohol, coronavirus
52. What Will Russians Want Next on TV?

“I think that, first of all, viewers will want to watch something easy. Comedy, melodramas about love, and, of course, blockbusters, but they won’t start to be released right away, because the pandemic should not only end for us, but all over the world.”

– Kirill Razlogov, president of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics of the Russian Federation

Tags: movies, coronavirus
53. Phishing within the Pandemic

Scammers are trying to take advantage of the current coronavirus situation.

Tags: computers, coronavirus
54. "Victory Day" Sung from Balconies

Despite a quarantine, Russians still managed to join together to celebrate Victory Day (from their balconies).

Tags: Moscow, world war ii, coronavirus, Victory Day
55. Coping with Coronavirus, One Odder Item at a Time

This week: Putin cracks down on smartphones, some things go online that probably shouldn't, and new coronavirus advice seeks to preserve the peace (and health).

Tags: technology, health, family, coronavirus, Internet, putin, military, metro, transport
56. A New Role for Kioski?

Moscow's metro stations rise to the occasion of coronavirus.

Tags: health, cities, Moscow, metro, coronavirus
57. Game On, Coronavirus

One of Russia's top universities goes online, via Minecraft.

Tags: university, Moscow, coronavirus, education, computers, technology, media
58. Coliving, Bill Gates, and Grechka

This week we explore Soviet throwbacks, social media trends, and coronavirus fugitives.

Tags: social media, history, church, food, coronavirus
59. TikTok but from Home

“I don’t know what to do here. What am I supposed to do, sing, dance? I don’t understand what people do on TikTok. ”

– Opposition leader Alexei Navalny, in his first post to TikTok, where he gained 130,000 followers in less than a week
Tags: social media, coronavirus
60. Little Big: Where are they now?

The former Eurovision competitors have been staying busy during quarantine.

Tags: eurovision, coronavirus

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 81

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