This is the third article in our year-long series on 100 Young Russians to Watch. This issue we present another 10 individuals from around Russia—teachers, artists, entrepreneurs and athletes ... all personifications of Russia’s future.
Russia's Trans-Siberian Railroad is the world's longest rail line. This article, written on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the line's founding, takes a brief look at the amazing history of this 5700 mile-long iron road...
Tsar Paul I, son of Catherine the Great, may hold the title to Russia's least understood tsar. On the 200th anniversary of Paul's murder, we probe the peculiarities of his life and work.
There is an interesting history behind the picture (taken by Valery Bliznyuk, who we profile on page 18) on the cover of this issue.
Readers comment and correct.
The latest from the travel front.
All the news that fits from all across Russia.
Dates and anniversaries that coincide with this issue.
Intentional mistakes Russians make and how you can learn to make them too!
Author John Lee takes us on a ride on the Trans-Siberian, complete with traders, babushkas and long days in a train racing across the steppe.
A review of St. Petersburg's Central Railroad Museum.
Imperial Salmon (Lososina Imperial) is a luxurious baked salmon, wrapped with bacon and crabmeat, then topped with a decadent cream sauce.
A review of two books: Sunlight at Midnight, by W. Bruce Lincoln, and Trans-Siberian Hanbook, by Bryn Thomas.
"Dissidents" in Russia today, vs. in the Soviet era ... how low the standards have fallen.
Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.
Russian Life 73 Main Street, Suite 402 Montpelier VT 05602
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