Search Results

There are 327 item(s) tagged with the keyword "war in Ukraine".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 327

31. Prisoner Returns from War With Fatal Consequences

A murder convict sent to Ukraine in exchange for a pardon committed a gruesome crime after returning from the war.

Tags: domestic violence, law, Nizhny Novgorod, crime, wagner, war in ukraine
32. Descending from Roskosmos, Crashing in Zaporizhzhia

The former head of Roskosmos, Russia's state space corporation, was appointed senator for the illegally annexed Zaporizhzhia oblast.

Tags: zaporo, Roskosmos, politics, dmitriy rogozin, war in ukraine, Zaporizhzhia
33. Pilgrimage Under Shelling: "Shana Tova" From Uman

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, 35,000 Hassidic Jews went on a pilgrimage to Uman, Ukraine, for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Tags: religion, israel, uman, jews, war in ukraine
34. Russian Cars Can't Finnish

Finland has banned the entry of cars bearing Russian license plates.

Tags: war in ukraine, border, cars, finland
35. Cubans Trafficked To Fight in Ukraine

Seventeen people were arrested in Cuba for tricking and trafficking men into fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

Tags: immigration, russian military, war in ukraine, human trafficking, Cuba
36. Not Even Russia Is Immune from "Barbenheimer"

"Barbenheimer" fever has arrived in Russia. Cinemas are ready to bypass the government's restrictions and Hollywood copyright in creative ways.

Tags: cinema, ministry of culture, war in ukraine, oppenheimer, barbie
37. Who's to Blame?

A G20 statement backs Ukraine but fails to place blame on Russia.

Tags: international relations, peace, war in ukraine, g20 summit
38. Protection From Propaganda: a Back-to-School Essential

On September 1, children returned to school in Russia. How are parents dealing with propaganda in schools' curricula?

Tags: September 1, propaganda, war in ukraine, children, education
39. Nobel Flip Flop

The Nobel Foundation canceled Russia’s invitation to the annual awards ceremony in Stockholm.

Tags: charity, nobel foundation, war in ukraine, nobel peace prize
40. From Battle to Business

Thousands of businesses have opened in Russia's "southwestern region": land that was, until recently, part of Ukraine.

Tags: economy, business, Luhansk, Donetsk, war in ukraine

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 327

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