Search Results

There are 14 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ukraine war".

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14

11. Sweet Discrediting

A court in Moscow fined a pastry chef for anti-war and anti-Putin cakes.

Tags: russia file, ukraine war, law, dissent
12. The Risk of Treason

The Russian State Duma has approved Criminal Code amendments that introduce life imprisonment for treason. And not just spies are at risk.

Tags: ukraine war, russia file, law, espionage
13. 400 Days

On this, the 400th Day of Russia's War on Ukraine, we gather and share some telling data.

Tags: ukraine war, war, statistics, data
14. Fugitive No. 1

Russian President and Indicted War Criminal Vladimir Putin had a bad day.

Tags: ICC, putin, ukraine war, war crimes

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14

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