Search Results

There are 57 item(s) tagged with the keyword "film".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 57

11. VR-Series from the ISS

Roscosmos is partnering with foreign space agencies and film studios to create the world’s biggest VR-series on board the ISS.

Tags: film, Roscosmos
12. Best Shows of This (We Think?) Year

Russians responded to a poll about the most popular movies of 2020, but were generally unable to determine the best ones of this year.

Tags: film
13. Best Film on Russia this Year

It is just over six minutes long, but "In Russia" is the finest film on Russia we have seen all year. It will have you itching for travel again.

Tags: travel, marketing, film
14. How Leo Tolstoy Shaped the Modern Melodrama

On the 110th anniversary of Lev Tolstoy's death, we look back at his link to cinema: Tolstoy is more closely linked to the history of the cinema than any other writer of his time.

Tags: cinema, literature, film, tolstoy
15. Netflix Buys Russian Show

Netflix spent a record amount for Russia on acquiring this TV show.

Tags: film, Internet
16. Cheburashka to Hit the Big Screen

One of the Soviet Union's most iconic characters is set to make his movie debut.

Tags: children, culture, soviet era, television, film
17. The Hunt for Movie Russian

"Kakov nipudt pakaru!" The classic 1990 movie Hunt for Red October had a $30 million budget. Apparently none of that went towards Russian language coaches.

Tags: grammar, russian language, movies, cold war, film, humor
18. Sergei Bondarchuk

Looking back at the life and work of the legendary filmmaker, and how views of him have changed over time.

Tags: war and peace, 1812, film
19. Short Film: Anya

A touching, short, CGI animated film looks at 20 years in the life of a Russian orphan.

Tags: childhood, film, orphans
20. The Occupant

In our video of the week, something from the realm of scifi: A Russian drone operator encounters a UFO, then must decide what is real and not.

Tags: film, science fiction

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 57

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