March 01, 2007 Stalin's Wars and Stalin's Guerrillas We review books on Stalin's military leadership, on the partizans and on vodka, as well as three great new DVDs.
March 01, 2007 A Real Prokhorovshchina "Whenever I travel abroad," writes our commentator, "I try not to run into fellow Russians..."
March 01, 2007 Of Pigs and Oranges It is the Year of the Pig, so what better time to consider the influence of porcine phrases and words on the Russian language?
March 01, 2007 Tending the Goals Many consider Vladislav Tretyak to be the best hockey player of the 20th century. We chat with Tretyak about his second act – in an arena where things can get tougher than on the ice: politics. Interview
February 21, 2007 The Beginning [WIGOR, part 1] Several million years ago (ask a geologist for an exact figure), the landmass that would one day become Russia was gifted huge oil, gas and mineral deposits. In fact, they were such rich and deep deposits that even 70 years of communist ineptitude could not entirely wipe them out. Some boring, but telling facts:OIL: By one estimate, 20% of the world's known oil reserves are in Russia. Russia currently supplies the US with 4% of its oil. Russia File
February 21, 2007 What exactly is going in on Russia? [WIGOR?] Is a new Evil Empire brewing? Are we on the verge of a New Cold War?Who is pulling the levers of power in Russia?What is the Kremlin engineering for a post-Putin Russia?There are plenty of questions circulating in the media about Russia these days. But often too little of what is published takes a long-term, balanced and critical view. Time for a reality check.Russia is not perched on the aby Russia File
February 14, 2007 Drinking in Russia Russian customs and traditions regarding the consumption of water, tea and vodka. Culture Food & Drink Russia File
February 13, 2007 Doctor Zhivago and Khrushchev Find out what this son of peasants turned Premier of the Soviet Union had to do with an upper class writer and his epic novel. History Literature Russia File
January 01, 2007 Nostalgic for Patronymics Mastering the fine are of remembering and pronouncing patronymics.