December 17, 2020 Putin, Forest Work, and Gender Changes This week, politicians are caught red-handed; surrogate motherhood and gambling are (apparently) the same; and Putin isn't as hip with the youth as you'd think. Government History Military Politics Social Issues Women Odder News
December 16, 2020 Shrek Lives in Kirov Oblast Russia has everything, including Shrek's house. Environment Film & TV Media Rural Life Russia File
December 16, 2020 "Map of Resistance" in St. Petersburg “Not working at all is death… The authorities chose a blow worse than a lockdown. Any sane person understands that the coronavirus is terrible. But this does not mean that the coronavirus should kill an industry to the point that it cannot be restored in any way.” - Alexander Konovalov, organizer of the “Map of Resistance,” a group of bars and restaurants in St. Petersburg that plan to defy new coronavirus restrictions calling to close all bars and restaurants from December 30 through January 3 Economy News Quote
December 16, 2020 Geography Lessons from Space Russian astronauts on the ISS are preparing for a live lesson that will be broadcast via the Internet. Education Space Russia File
December 15, 2020 Tsargrad the Litmus Tester The “Orthodox oligarch” is starting a political organization to promote politicians who share his views. Politics Religion Social Issues Russia File
December 14, 2020 More Dead Souls A Russian executive is under house arrest after it was discovered that she employed more than a dozen nonexistent employees for her own gain. Business Law Russia File
December 13, 2020 Pay with your Face The Moscow Metro plans to allow passengers to pay with Face ID. Cities & Towns Moscow Transportation Urban Life Russia File
December 11, 2020 Yes, Dumplings are Still Bribes A police chief in Novosibirsk has been convicted of corruption charges after accepting Caucasian dumplings as brides. Food & Drink Government Law Social Issues Russia File
December 10, 2020 Bovines, Berries, and Bros This week, Lada outdoes itself; emergency services fall short; and cows (and men) finally get the appreciation they're due. Business Cities & Towns Government Internet Men Moscow Rural Life Social Issues Odder News
December 09, 2020 Rospotrebnadzor, Explained What’s the deal with this governmental agency with the weird name? Government Social Issues Russia File
December 09, 2020 Don't Try This at Home “If questions arise as to whether demons should be driven out of this or that person, first of all, you need to turn to the priests. Any [personal] initiative in this is completely unacceptable.” – Metropolitan Hilarion, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department of External Relations, in response to a video showing parents attempting an exorcism on their son Customs Religion Quote
December 08, 2020 Spotify: Popular Music in Russia The world-wide music-playing platform recently ranked the most popular music in Russia. Culture Music Russia File