
Category Results

The Shah Bird
May 01, 2019

The Shah Bird

An excerpt from the fine new novel Zuleikha, by Guzel Yakhina, about a woman's survival in Siberia exile, inspired by childhood memories of the author's grandmother.

Stalin's Scribe
March 01, 2019

Stalin's Scribe

I can’t imagine a cleverer or more perverse way of presenting “the first political biography” of Mikhail Sholokhov (1905-1975) than as if from the conscience-addled Sholokhov’s perspective.

The Popular Assembly
January 01, 2019

The Popular Assembly

Krylov on democracy and how leaders are chosen: "However just the rules and laws, in unjust hands or beaks or paws they can be bent to serve the goal of leaders loath to lose control."

On Translating Krylov
January 01, 2019

On Translating Krylov

Our translator of Krylov's difficult fables shares how she approaches translation of this most colloquial of poets.

The Wolf in the Kennel
January 01, 2019

The Wolf in the Kennel

Krylov on how one negotiates with wolves. Hint: one doesn't. "Of wolves I’ve learned a thing or two. With them there’s only one sure truce."

Man With a Box
January 01, 2019

Man With a Box

Pavel Bazhov, Russia's greatest modern fabulist, had a complicated and eventful life.

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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