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Three Books and a DVD
September 01, 2005

Three Books and a DVD

In this issue's review section, we look at Ludmila Ulitskaya's new novel, "Lyudi Nashevo Tsarya," plus two works of non-fiction: "Moura" and "In the Wake of the Jomon." We also note the release of four works on DVD by Otar Iosseliani, whom we profiled in our Jan/Feb 2004 issue.

Spies, Reindeer, Empresses and Partizans
May 01, 2005

Spies, Reindeer, Empresses and Partizans

Book reviews of Spy Handler, Running with Reindeer, Five Empresses and War in the Wild East. Links are provided here for purchasing these books online.

Four books and a CD
March 01, 2005

Four books and a CD

We review The Five, by Vladimir Jabotinsky, Bobby Fischer Goes to War, A Traveller's Companion to Moscow, Strange Soviet Practices and a CD called Russian Romance.

The One and the Many
November 01, 2004

The One and the Many

A review of Andrey Zvyagintsev's movie, new on DVD, "The Return," and a new film, Notes from the Underground. Also briefly reviewed are three CDs.

Books, Virtually
September 01, 2004

Books, Virtually

Where to find Russian books online, from full-text stories and novels, to real ink and paper books you can order from online stores. For links noted in the article, see: this page.

Two Stalin-Faced Books
May 01, 2004

Two Stalin-Faced Books

Stalin's visage can still sell books. We review two recent titles on his era, one on Shostakovich, one by Isaiah Berlin. Plus we briefly review 5 other new titles. The link to this article leads to places you can order the books.

Six Imperial Era Titles
March 01, 2004

Six Imperial Era Titles

A quick review of six new books that focus on or have their roots in the pre-Revolutionary era.

Stalin, Siberia and more
January 01, 2004

Stalin, Siberia and more

Where we review a new book on Stalin by Zhores and Roy Medvedev, and one on Siberia, by Fiona Hill and Clifford Gaddy. Plus some shorter notes on books on everything from submarines to Petersburg to Marina Tsvetaeva.

Matroshkas, Dachas, Travel and more
September 01, 2003

Matroshkas, Dachas, Travel and more

In this issue, we review a book on the history of matryoshkas, a revised travel guide, a book on dachas, on Putin, some fiction and much more!

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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