December 21, 2020

"Hitler's Alligator" to Be Displayed

"Hitler's Alligator" to Be Displayed
This is no ordinary alligator! Image by H. Zell via Wikimedia Commons

The animals at Moscow’s Zoo are much beloved, even extending into their deaths. In May 2020, an alligator at the Moscow Zoo passed away, and, thanks to his exciting history, his body has been stuffed by taxidermists and will be put on display at the State Darwin Museum.

The alligator, named Saturn, was 84 when he passed away this spring. He was born in the US and then moved to the Berlin Zoo in 1936. It is rumored that Saturn was part of Adolf Hitler’s personal collection. During World War II, Saturn escaped the zoo in a 1943 bomb raid. He was brought to Moscow three years later, where he was installed at the Moscow Zoo.

Now, after six months of taxidermy, Saturn is ready to be displayed in the State Darwin Museum in Moscow. He will be located with other North American wildlife, such as bison, raccoons, and porcupines.

“Each employee treats the newcomer with special reverence — no reptile in the museum has such a rich biography,” stated the State Darwin Museum. The museum is currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, but plans to reopen in January 2021, when visitors will be able to see Saturn in person.

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