Search Results

There are 14 item(s) tagged with the keyword "work".

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14

11. Russian Bears, Language, and Tomato Paste

Bear with us: this week's Odder News lacks a theme. Instead, we have tomato paste, emotion workshops, and Russian pandas.

Tags: work, russian government, putin, food, animals
12. Tis the Season for Pickled Ferns and Ice Cream

Fish aren’t food, ice cream is medicine, ferns are pickles

Tags: fishing, fish, milk, Halloween, children, elderly, work, study, pickle, health, ice cream
13. The Freedom Factory

The story of a real-life military factory told through monologues collected from anonymized workers, managers, and engineers. (novel excerpt)

Tags: workers, work, factories, fiction
14. You Deserve a Break

A look at the many ways of taking a break, linguistically speaking.

Tags: work

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14

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