Search Results

There are 39 item(s) tagged with the keyword "social media".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 39

1. Where Did The Blankets Go?

Nearly 200 tons of old blankets were sent to Ukraine via the Russian Post. But many have disappeared, and their recipient is elusive.

Tags: social media, government, war in ukraine, blankets, russian post
2. If You Prick Kadyrov, Does He Not Bleed?

Reports reveal that Chechnya's president has a terminal pancreatic condition. Or does he?

Tags: social media, health, kadyrov
3. Russia's Youngest Foreign Agent

A Russian 19-year-old has registered himself as a foreign agent.

Tags: ministry of justice, social media, youtube, foreign agent
4. From the Big Screen to an Online Meme

A character from a 1988 Soviet animated film has taken on a new life as a 2022 internet meme.

Tags: social media, culture, meme, Internet
5. Fighting Extremism, or Censoring the Truth?

Approximately 138,000 websites have been taken down or banned in Russia since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. 

Tags: social media, Internet, roskomnadzor, censorship, war in ukraine
6. Price Drop for iRussia

The prices of multiple iPhone models are decreasing in Russia. 

Tags: social media, economics, apple, cell phone, war in ukraine
7. Schoolboy vs The Kremlin

An 11-year-old schoolboy was put on a watch list after "discrediting" the army on social media.

Tags: war in ukraine, censorship, children, social media, Volgograd
8. Battling Dementia, One Stitch at a Time

Embroidery brings 84-year-old Yulia Aleshicheva peace and focuses her mind ravaged by dementia. But thanks to an enterprising grandson, her colorful art has many fans around the world.

Tags: folk art, social media, art, elderly
9. Six Chances, One Wordle

The newly released Wordle game now has a Russian language version! Go try it out! 

Tags: 2022, language, social media, russian language, games
10. (NOT) Morgenshtern

A burgeoning new (joke) media company is founded by none other than Russia's top rapper, Morgenshtern.

Tags: journalism, social media, independent media, humor, news, morgenshtern, rap

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 39

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