Cabiria of the Bypass Canal Excerpt from this important novel, which is a standout example of "strongly articulated female subjectivity." Women
If You Can, Turn Around In which the author reminisces about his time spent with Brodsky, while the latter was sent to exile in the North. Memoir
Pavel Fomenko, environmentalist Pavel Fomenko was the first Russian to receive the title “Hero of the Planet,” awarded by TIME with the support of the Ford Foundation. 100 Young Russians
Statistics Bits of data that offer insights into trends and events in Russia. Customs Economy Environment
Children of the Underground An excerpt from Ulitskaya's powerful novel Under the Green Tent, about the experiences of the Thaw generation. History
Mikhail Butov, writer Mikhail Butov's novel Svoboda (Liberty) won the 1999 Smirnoff-Booker prize. It is a generational novel—telling the story of Russia’s first “liberated” generation. 100 Young Russians
Leningrad Directory of Writers at the Front A series of poignant poetical portraits of writers and poets who worked in Leningrad during the Seige. War
The Women of Lazarus An excerpt from the award-winning novel of the lifelong friendship between a childless couple and a troubled genius. Women
Netflix Loves Russia's Beloved Sergei Bodrov, Jr. Sergei Bodrov, Jr., shines in Netflix's Top 10 list in Brat's first week. Biographies Film & TV Pop Culture Russia File
Roman Sludnov, athlete Breaststroker Roman Sludnov has been practicing hard all the 300 days which passed since he had to resign to a bronze medal at the Sydney Olympics. For he and his mother-coach Natalia Roschina believe there is only one place on the pedestal worth fighting for - the #1 spot. 100 Young Russians
Space, Felix, and Banyas News items on everything from the ISS to politics, from banyas to a new train station. Government Health Politics Social Issues Space